REFERENCE FORM If you are providing a reference for a coach, please complete the form below. What is the name of the coach you are referring?* First Last Your name* First Last Your email* Your Phone*How long have you known this individual?What is your relationship to this individual?How would you rate this individual's reliability/dependability? Poor Fair Good Excellent How would you rate this individual's ability to build effective relationships with others? Poor Fair Good Excellent How would you rate this individual's ability to work well with people of differing backgrounds? Poor Fair Good Excellent How would you rate this individual's ability to listen and express themself effectively? Poor Fair Good Excellent How would you rate this individual's ability to accept coaching and feedback? Poor Fair Good Excellent How would you rate this individual's organizational skills? Poor Fair Good Excellent How would you rate this individual's interaction skills with children? Poor Fair Good Excellent How would you describe this person's character and ability to work effectively with others?How would you describe this individual's ability to be responsible, follow rules, and work independently?What are this individual's strengths?What are this individual's greatest areas for development or improvement?Are there any reasons why you would recommend against hiring this person or specific complaints/problems you are aware of about this individual from other staff, parents, or others? Δ